patients being treated by physical therapists

Our Services:

Physical Therapy and Physiotherapy Marketing and Advertising

When You Take Control Of Your PT Clinic’s Marketing Results, You Can Control Your New Patient Numbers, Finances, & Practice Growth

Top Ideas for Physical Therapy and Physiotherapy Marketing

Need new patients NOW? To fill your schedule, you must seize the reins of your practice’s marketing efforts

Taking control of your marketing puts you in control of your clinic’s growth, reducing your practice’s vulnerability to common industry hurdles:

  • Shrinking insurance reimbursements
  • Downturns in doctor referrals 
  • A toxic healthcare economy that undervalues private practices
  • A Google search rank that doesn’t reflect your quality of care
  • Competitors with deep pockets

Practice Promotions provides powerful marketing services for physical therapy clinics, including…

PT owner tracking patient volume and marketing results for her practice

Benefits of Marketing Your Physical Therapy Clinic

If you plan your clinic marketing, you go from “reactive” to “proactive.” By transitioning from merely waiting for patient referrals to reaching out and drawing in potential clients, you empower yourself to shape your practice’s growth.

An effective marketing campaign will…

  • Attract a steady flow of new patients
  • Give you confidence that your schedule will be filled
  • Protect your clinic from an inconsistent roller-coaster of doctor referrals

Through engaging physical therapy ads and a compelling website design, you can build a brand that resonates with potential patients in your local area, allowing you to stand out in a crowded healthcare market. 

Why Hire an Outside Expert?

outside marketer with little to no knowledge of physical therapy

Your time is too valuable to spend working with several different websites, marketing, and print companies. Working with a marketing agency like Practice Promotions saves you time and money by integrating all your marketing tools in one place with one goal – getting you more new patients. Practice Promotions is the marketing agency for over 1400 PT, OT, Rehab, and multi-disciplinary clinic locations in North America—and growing! 

Pivot to Patient-Centric Marketing

patients looking through elements of a powerful physical therapy practice website

Your physical therapy marketing strategy needs to be laser-focused on the patient. Consider this: 89% of individuals search for their symptoms on Google before consulting a physician (WECT News). To get seen, create separate pages on your website for common conditions that your practice addresses, such as: 

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain 
  • Sciatica 
  • Whiplash
  • Rotator cuff injuries

Without condition-based content on your site, you’re missing a vital opportunity to capture potential patients.

At Practice Promotions, we offer powerful marketing services to help you reel in more new patients. We’ve helped over 1400 clinic locations across North America to bolster their patient base and take command of their clinic growth using a mix of digital and traditional marketing methods.

Digital Physical Therapy Marketing Strategies For Physiotherapy Clinics

tracking seo and digital marketing results for a practice website

Did you know the top 3 Google search results for any query gobble up 54.4% of clicks (Backlinko)? That’s right: if your clinic isn’t among the top 3 Google results, you’re missing out on over half the patients actively searching for your services. Imagine what your bottom line would look like if you could book 50% more appointments.

Below, we’ll outline key strategies for building your online presence to drive traffic to your clinic’s site and help you claw market share from competing practices.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for PTs

improved SEO performance results of a practice website

We mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating: 89% of individuals search for their symptoms on Google before consulting a doctor. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your physiotherapy and physical therapy websites isn’t a nice-to-have – it’s do or die.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is how you get your website to show up at the TOP of Google. There are a few ways to improve your SEO and get you to the top. The most important of these are:

  • On-Page Optimization: This involves tweaking elements on your website like meta tags, headers, and content to make it more search engine friendly.
  • Backlinks: These are links from other websites to yours. A rich backlink profile signals to Google that your site is reputable and valuable.
  • Google Business Profile: Ensuring your Google Business Profile is complete and accurate boosts your chances of appearing in local searches, which is crucial for attracting patients in your area.

But no matter how well you manage these aspects of your online presence, your efforts are useless unless you also master keywords. Identifying and integrating the right keywords into your website is like speaking the language of your target audience. When Google thinks a page on your site is most likely to provide a satisfying answer to a user’s query, it ranks that page highly in search results.

list of Top SEO keywords for physical therapy practices

One strategy is to target searches by people who don’t even know they need physical therapy. Typical searches include:

  • Back pain
  • Lower back pain relief
  • Knee pain tips
  • Stiff neck
  • Sciatica help
  • Natural pain relief
  • Arthritis / “Do I Have Arthritis?”
  • Stretches for sore [insert condition]

Blogs on your site or condition-specific pages are a great way to capture traffic from keywords like this. By educating people on common causes and providing tips on ways to self-treat certain conditions, you grow your site’s reputation and trustworthiness, which are also critical factors in Google’s ranking system.

SEO Best Practices for Physical Therapists

Despite the importance of keywords, cramming your pages’ content full of a single keyword is a surefire way to wind up at the bottom of search results. For example, if you use “physical therapy” as the keyword for every page on your site, search engines will drop your ranking for overuse. 

Here are some other quick keyword tips:

  • Use keywords between five and ten times on a 500-word page 
  • Include the keyword in your page URL
  • Using the keyword in both the main page title and the SEO title

Implementing SEO best practices for keywords usually involves trial and error. Working with a professional website design and SEO marketing team – like the experts at Practice Promotions – eliminates guesswork and headaches.

Want to learn more about our SEO services? Click below to watch our instant demo!

Content and Blog Marketing for Physical Therapy Clinics

patient looking through expert copy and blog content on a practice website

Remember, to resonate with potential patients, your site content must speak to their aches and pains. They need to know you understand what they’re going through – and feel confident you can help. A powerful way to foster this connection is through content and blog marketing.

Using a Blog as a Physiotherapy Marketing Tool

A well-maintained blog on your physical therapy website can serve as a hub of valuable information, guidance, and solutions for individuals seeking relief from their symptoms.

Brainstorm blog topics by listing the top five to ten physical therapy questions you receive each day. It’s likely your patients aren’t the only people struggling to find an answer to these questions – why not use your training and experience to draw them to your site?

Build Trust and Manage Your Online Reputation with Customer Reviews

multiple positive five star reviews and testimonials from patients to build trust with new patients

Customer reviews play a pivotal role in shaping the perception of your clinic online: 98% of consumers feel that reviews are an essential resource when making purchase decisions (PowerReviews). When it comes to physical therapy, where patients’ health and well-being are at stake, their importance is even more outsized. 

You should showcase testimonials on your website and other marketing channels to amplify the voices of satisfied patients and provide proof of your clinic’s competence and care quality. 

Maintaining and leveraging your reputation requires a structured and proactive approach. Practice Promotions can help: our Review Reputation Management software makes it easy for satisfied patients to leave positive feedback and allows you to review negative ratings and determine how best to address any problems.

Email Marketing for Physiotherapy Clinics

easy-to-use email campaigns that allow practice owners to measure results and engage current and past patients

Despite overstuffed inboxes and overeager spam filters, email marketing remains an effective communication channel, especially for physiotherapy clinics, and is a cornerstone among physical therapy marketing ideas.

Email allows you to reach a broad audience with a reasonable budget. You can also easily share insightful content, tips, and advice that can help foster your patients’ trust and appreciation.

A savvy way to kickstart your email marketing efforts is by capturing email addresses through an enticing offer on your website, like a free eBook or other helpful resource related to physical therapy. You will build the foundation for your email marketing list, offering immediate value to your visitors, and establishing your expertise in the topic. 

The Practice Promotions ENGAGE Email System can help you elevate your email marketing game by providing access to hundreds of beautiful, pre-made email templates that streamline the creation of appealing and effective email campaigns.

A Google Ads PPC Strategy is a Game Changer for Physiotherapy Clinics

patient looking through Google Ads and results for solutions to her pain

PPC ads generate twice the visitors that SEO does (Techjury). So, while SEO remains essential for the long term, a solid PPC strategy for physical therapy ads can help you drive results quickly. 

5 Benefits of Physical Therapy Google Ads

  1. You’ll dominate the 1st page of Google in multiple places.
  2. Google Ads target people who are already looking for a solution.
  3. Google Ads are a cost-effective and fast way to get more appointments online.
  4. Google Ads are location-specific, which can help a new or underperforming clinic.
  5. It’s easy to track your results.

Practice Promotions offers Google Ad PPC services to clinic owners as part of our Pro and Ultimate plans. You’ll get a proven physical therapy advertising system and detailed monthly reporting on your ads, so you know you’re bringing in more new patients. 

And though you need to pay Google advertising fees in addition to your monthly plan with us, most of our clients spend only $50 to $100 per new patient conversion. This makes a Google Ads strategy run by the experts at Practice Promotions more cost-effective than many other advertising options.

Want to learn more? Click below to watch an instant demo of our powerful marketing services!

Keep Social Media in Your Marketing Mix

young man looking through PT-related social media content

While SEO and Google Ads drive most new patient acquisition, you can leverage social media content to:

  • Engage with your existing followers and patients
  • Showcase your clinic’s personality
  • Educate and inform patients

You can also capitalize on seasonal content. For instance, as the leaves change in fall, you could share tips on maintaining joint health in cooler weather. 

Design a Marketing-Focused Website that Converts

older female patient looking through a patient-centered practice website experience

Your physical therapy website design aims to convert casual visitors into new patients. But the reality for most PT clinic websites is chilling: only 2% of visitors take any action. In stark contrast, our Practice Promotions clients enjoy an average conversion rate of 8%. That’s 4x the industry average!

It helps to think of your website like your practice. Would you still be in business if you spent all your time making signs directing people to get your clinic, only for them to arrive and find no receptionist or clear instructions on getting care? 

No! That’s why we use the following strategies to create sites that stick:

  • Offer a free consultation or evaluation
  • Clearly describe how to become a patient
  • Make a single call-to-action dominant
  • Feature social proof on every page
  • Provide solutions to common pain conditions
  • Use imagery showing successful results
  • Make text easy to read and simplify your headlines
  • Offer a chance to subscribe
  • Use mobile-friendly features and designs
  • Do a test to confirm pages load quickly

At Practice Promotions, we craft custom, high-converting private practice websites. Our holistic approach encompasses everything from responsive design and compelling content creation to SEO optimization, ensuring your online presence is a patient attraction engine. Explore our website design services to learn how we can accelerate your clinic’s online success.

Market to Past Physical Therapy Patients

multiple print and direct mail marketing methods to re-engage with past patients

Let’s face it; no matter how stellar your care, the adage “out of sight, out of mind” holds true. You may have helped Mrs. Smith with her knee last year. But unless you keep in touch with her, she will forget about you. Then, when her husband pulls his back, they will likely do a new Google search – and maybe even go to your competitor. 

But if you market to them consistently with email and direct mail, your past patients can be your biggest advocates. That’s why your past customer list is an often-overlooked marketing gold mine. 

Referral Marketing

Imagine if 1 in 3 patients replaced themselves with a friend or family member. What would that do for your practice growth? Physical therapy referrals are one of the longest-standing staples of physical therapy marketing strategies’ success. Building these processes can take time, but following a few simple techniques can make them fruitful for many years ahead. 

Direct Mail Marketing – Newsletters

Many PT owners think that direct mailing newsletters as a part of their physio marketing is expensive and ineffective. But direct mail isn’t dead! 90% of direct mail is seen by its intended recipients, compared to less than 30% of emails. 

Direct Mail Marketing – Postcards

The key to effective postcard marketing is keeping it simple. You have limited space to convey your message, and adding too much content can confuse your recipient. Opt for a straightforward message that is both easy to understand and visually appealing.

Practice Promotions offers a suite of marketing services and physiotherapy marketing ideas, including postcard and newsletter marketing, designed to effectively reach your past, current, and potential future patients. Practice Promotions clients reactivate multiple past patients every month using direct mail and email to past patients.

Bonus Idea: Marketing to Doctors and Physicians

marketing strategies like brochures and direct mail letters to reach physicians and encourage local doctors to refer to a PT practice

While you can’t rely solely on physician referrals, it’s still a meaningful way to get new patients. Physiotherapy websites with an easily accessible “Physician Referrals” page streamline the process, making busy doctors more likely to help.

Fostering solid relationships with physicians is also crucial. Brochures detailing the benefits of PT, tailored to different medical specialties, can broaden your outreach, while sharing patient success stories and testimonials builds your standing in the medical community. 

Stop Missing Opportunities, Start Reaching New PT Patients

powerfully effective digital ads, direct mail, and patient-centered website to reach more new patients for care

With 89% of individuals Googling their symptoms before seeking care, a robust online presence is no longer a luxury for private physical and physiotherapy practices who want to break free of common industry hurdles.

An SEO-optimized website, effective email marketing, and an active social media presence are table stakes for keeping the lights on – let alone growth. Harvesting referrals and return business from past patients with direct-to-mail marketing is also essential.

But you’re already busy running your business – so why not let us handle the work?

At Practice Promotions, our tailored marketing services encompass SEO, Google Ads, email marketing, direct mail marketing, and much more. Our approach meshes digital and traditional physiotherapy marketing strategies to create a comprehensive marketing ecosystem that drives patients to your appointment book.

Your journey towards consistent patient volume starts with a single step.

Schedule a demo with us today to discover how our marketing solutions can catalyze sustained growth and success for your clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I market my physical therapy business?

Marketing a physical therapy business entails a blend of digital and traditional strategies. Key digital strategies include optimizing your website, PPC advertising via Google Ads, nurturing an active social media presence, and email marketing. Direct mail marketing via newsletters, postcards, and referral marketing is also pivotal.

2. Why is email marketing beneficial for physical therapy clinics?

Email marketing is beneficial for physiotherapy clinics as it fosters a personal connection with patients, is cost-effective, and provides an avenue for educating patients. By consistently delivering valuable content and updates, you keep your clinic top-of-mind, which can lead to increased appointments and referrals.

3. How can I improve my physical therapy website’s conversion rate?

Compelling headlines, clear call-to-actions (CTAs), a mobile-responsive design, fast load times, and easy navigation all contribute to a better user experience and higher conversion rates.

4. What is SEO for physical therapy?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, for physical therapy includes utilizing relevant keywords on your site’s pages, creating quality content, optimizing your website’s loading speed, and garnering backlinks from reputable sources.

5. Why is marketing to past physical therapy patients important?

Marketing to past patients keeps the relationship warm, making it likely they will return for further treatment or refer others when the need arises.

Trusted Marketing Agency For 1200+ PT Clinics Across North America

We can help you too. Our team of web designers, graphic designers, and PT marketing specialists are professionally equipped to help you grow and build your practice.

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Talk To Marketing Expert Today To See How Our Plans Can Help You:

View Ultimate Marketing Plans & Pricing

Ultimate System

The best Practice Web Design, Digital Marketing, & SEO Service, plus our entire monthly patient newsletter system!

View Pro Marketing Plans & Pricing

Pro System

All of our powerful Digital Marketing systems: the best Practice Web Design, SEO Services, Email Marketing, + Google Ads!

View Platinum Marketing Plans & Pricing

Platinum System

A great Practice Website with a selection of Digital Marketing tools, blogging, email marketing, + SEO done for you!

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