This isn’t about the audience… it’s about the content.

If you haven’t downloaded TikTok yet, you need to.

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create and share short videos with others. It also has an in-app messaging system that allows you to communicate with your followers quickly. It is a free app but already has advertising and marketing capabilities baked in.

The focus on simple video content makes this app more than a trend – it’s actually setting trends for social media. In this article, I’ll show you 5 reasons every physical therapy practice should be on TikTok.

(And I can already hear some people asking: “But MY audience isn’t really on there yet, why should I use it?”

There’s a pretty big reason you should still use it which I’ll cover below. )

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Reason #1
TikTok Is Changing Social Media for the Better

TikTok is a social media app that allows users to create short videos and share them with the world. The app has been downloaded over one billion times and passed 105 million active users in North America alone last year.

TikTok has many advantages over other social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook. For one, TikTok is much easier to use than the other social media apps. You pretty much log in and start recording.

The app also does not require people to follow each other in order to view posts like on Instagram or Facebook. This means that TikTok is a lot more open and less intimidating than other social media apps.

TikTok is making other platforms work to keep up with their trendy features which means if you understand and leverage the trends now, you will avoid falling behind on other platforms later.

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Reason #2
It Doesn’t Matter if Your Audience is Uses The TikTok App Yet

TikTok is a social media app that has been around for about two years already. It has proven it has “staying power” and is more than just a trend.

Check out the number of views on this clinic’s videos in the last 6 months:

What’s more, it doesn’t matter if your audience is using the app yet for 2 reasons:

First, because TikTok is just going to keep growing. Just like your audience wasn’t on Facebook when it first came out but now are, it only takes a few years for broader demographics to follow what the “younger audiences” are doing.

What’s more, here are the TikTok age demographics as of 2021 in the United States:

  • 32.5% between the ages of 10 and 19 
  • 29.5% between the ages of 20 and 29 
  • 16.4% between the ages of 30 and 39 
  • 13.9% between the ages of 40 and 49
  • 7.1% over 50 

I’m willing to bet the percentages over 30 are higher than you expected. I’m a seasoned marketer and that surprised me!

Second, and most importantly – because custom, personal videos are the #1 most engaging form of social media content you can use. Whether you’re talking about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… any social channel! To reach the most followers and get the most likes, comments, and shares you MUST post videos regularly. But before TikTok, posting engaging videos was hard.

This brings me to my next point…

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Reason #3
TikTok Makes Creating Engaging Social Media Videos Easy

It’s no secret videos are the #1 way to market on social media. They receive the most natural engagement and are favored by Facebook’s algorithms when it comes to actually reaching your page’s followers.

The ability to create and share fast-paced, engaging videos in seconds makes TikTok a platform every PT clinic should start using now. With a few clicks, you can clip together multiple videos, add text, graphics, or soundtracks and share them publicly.

Then, download the video and post it to all your other channels.

Using TikTok, even without a lot of followers, will improve the quality of ALL your social media channels.

Videos like this one:


are you on TikTok yet?

♬ Sunrise – Official Sound Studio

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Reason #4
The TikTok App Offers Analytics So You Can Track How Your Videos are Performing

TikTok is not just for individuals, it’s also an excellent marketing tool that can help you grow your brand and reach new customers! The TikTok App offers many business tools including analytics so you can track how your videos are performing on the platform.

So at first, your videos will be best used by sharing to your other social channels, but as you build a following you will have even more data on the types of videos that work best for your specific audience.

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Reason #5
You Can Still Work Normal Hours by Scheduling Posts On TikTok

But what if you want to schedule posts on TikTok? Often the biggest barrier with new social media platforms is that staff members need to spend a lot of time posting directly to the page and can’t optimize for the best time of day unless they sit there and wait.

Well, TikTok has already fixed that.

By simply changing your account to a business, you get access to the creator studio which allows additional creative tools and the ability to schedule posts in advance.

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Bonus TikTok Ideas for PTs:

  • Consider TikTok Influencers: TikTok influencers are the new way for brands to reach their target audience. Influencers have the power to create content that is engaging, authentic, and original. It won’t apply to every clinic, but if you are looking for creative ways to improve your brand’s visibility, see if there are any users in your local area that already have a following and would be open to collaboration such as healthy living enthusiasts, news/journalists, or gyms.
  • Get Your Whole Team Involved: You’ll want to post a blend of fun videos that show what your clinic is like and helpful tips for people dealing with pain or looking to exercise or live pain free through natural methods. To best do this, don’t take all the work yourself. Leverage the expertise of your therapists and the personality of your front desk. A video per week from multiple staff members is a lot easier than trying to post many yourself.
  • Other PTs to Follow For Inspiration:
  • It Doesn’t Matter If You Aren’t Good At It Yet. One of the leading experts on Facebook advertising recently gave in and joined TikTok. Here’s his advice for people who aren’t video experts or even great at talking:

If you ramble and struggle with short form video, this is for you. You can do it.

♬ Zodiac | Seamless Looping Trap Hip Hop Instrumental – xklbeats

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Social Media Is Being Revolutionized by TikTok, Don’t Fall Behind

If you don’t want to fall behind, then you should start using TikTok now because it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

The app has a clear focus on marketing and will only continue to grow their options for businesses, so starting now will keep you ahead.

In addition, making more easy, quick videos and publishing them on a regular basis will improve your social media marketing skills and make ALL of your channels more engaging and relevant. If using more videos on social media sounded like too much work before, it’s not any more thanks to TikTok.

And that alone is enough reason to log on no matter your target audience.